Case study: Lille University Hospital and the treatment of severely obese patients
The medical-surgical centre for severe obesity at the Huriez Hospital, part of the Lille University Hospital, includes a room used for therapeutic patient education which is shared by dieticians, psychologists and nurses. Faced with growing demand for workshops and an ever-increasing number of patients, the department felt the need to acquire a larger-scale tool of better quality than a PC or an IWB so that it could accommodate and educate larger groups of patients in the best conditions.
- Providing the LUH with the tools to manage larger groups of patients.
Speechi’s solutions
- An 86″ interactive SuperGlass screen.
- A Windows 10 PC in OPS format, invisibly embedded into the screen.
- A camera for videoconferencing.
Uses of the screen
- Initiating videoconferences directly via the interactive screen to host hybrid workshops using the screen-sharing feature.
- Displaying patients’ files and medical scans and taking notes in order to determine the best treatment strategy for the cases examined at multidisciplinary consultation meetings.
- High-quality images for medical image analysis.
- The interaction between healthcare professional and patient made possible by the touchscreen.
- The possibility of organising simultaneous hybrid workshops (with patients participating in the same workshop both in-person and remotely).
Watch a testimonial from
a nurse at Lille University Hospital
“The advantage of a touchscreen is that our patients can now participate and we can run hybrid simultaneous workshops. We’ll have patients at the hospital, but also remote patients who we can share Powerpoints or Iolaos with, so that they too can benefit from the therapeutic education.”
“The image quality of the interactive screen is also an advantage. When you look at a scan or an X-ray, you can really see all the details.”
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