Provide a fun, creative learning experience for kids and students with interactive whiteboards in the classroom.
Why install interactive whiteboards in classrooms?
For many years now, interactive whiteboards have been a staple in classrooms, with over 90% of UK schools now equipped with them.

As we learn more about the most effective teaching methods for kids and students, it is clear that a delicate balance must be struck between simplicity, practicality, and interaction – and digital whiteboards play a crucial part in this endeavour.
Here are a few great reasons why this technology should be embraced in teaching institutions everywhere:
- No more dust from marker pens or chalk! At the very least, writing with marker pens and chalk can present minor annoyances, from pens running out of ink to dust scattering all over the classroom. In the worst cases, the dust and odour can trigger headaches and allergies in both teachers and students – but with a touch-screen whiteboard, these issues become a worry of the past.
With digital brush options, colour-picking tools and much more, both students and teachers can let their creativity flow without getting headaches, allergic reactions or inky hands. - No need to drag in the projector and close the curtains for presentations. Most teachers are familiar with the ordeal of having to prepare the classroom when they want to do something fun and engaging for their class.
From wheeling in heavy projector equipment to connecting it all up, finding the right video, and dimming the room – all while dealing with a class of distracted students – it often feels like this preparation eats into valuable learning time. With an interactive whiteboard, you can simply pull up the video and press ‘play’ – everything on the screen will appear clearly in broad daylight, and teachers can even hold fun pop quizzes to test their students’ knowledge.
Best of all, educators can rest assured that the whole class can see and hear clearly, because Speechi interactive whiteboards are carefully picked to fit the classroom’s dimensions. The loud whirring of projectors will also become little more than a distant memory! - Save time on whiteboard preparation. With Speechi interactive whiteboards, teachers have all the tools they need to whip up a neat, eye-catching whiteboard presentation that engages their students – and they can also save time in the long-term by re-using their presentation slides with other classes. By adopting this technology into their lessons, teachers can say goodbye to sacrificing break-times and evenings preparing traditional classroom whiteboards.
- They are intuitive and ready-to-use. As France’s leading provider of interactive whiteboards, we are keen to dispel the common misconception that they are difficult to use.
Speechi digital whiteboards are powered by Windows and Android operating systems, so teachers will already be familiar with the interface, and can install a wide range of software and tools to simplify their day-to-day work.
Our digital whiteboards also do not require any calibration or complex configuration – so once they have been set up, teachers can begin using them without a hitch.

Embrace the power of interactive whiteboards, and transform your classroom into a fun, enjoyable learning environment for kids and students.

Our expert teams are on hand to provide advice and guidance on the right setup for your classroom, useful tools and software, and any accessories that would be recommended for your use case.