Speechi Connect & its app store

Among the services offered by Speechi Connect, there is the application store. What makes it different from other app stores? What is its purpose? How can applications be added to a personalized space? In this article, we explain everything you need to know about it.

Table of Contents



Speechi Connect at a glance ()

As a reminder, activating Speechi Connect means enabling an operating system on your Speechi interactive displays that benefits the entire organization for free, including:

Speechi Connect admin platform
An admin platform to centrally manage all Speechi interactive displays within your organization.
Speechi Connect application for users of Speechi interactive displays

An application for all users to personalize their workspace and access it from any interactive display in the organization.

The Swift Bar on the Speechi interactive display
A Swift Bar on every interactive display, allowing users to access their personal space, files, and applications!


The benefits of the Speechi Connect store ()

Create a customized selection of applications for your users

School application packageBouquet of applications for a company

From the Speechi Connect admin panel, the administrator controls the applications available to users. There are two ways to build the selection of apps available to the organization’s team or school:

  • Manually upload APK files of applications used within the school or business.
  • Choose from applications available in the Speechi Connect store.

Let’s take a closer look at this second option.

The Speechi Connect store in 3 key points ()

This store brings together Android applications and web links that we have preselected to save you time. What types of applications are available? How are they chosen?

Le store de Speechi Connect - Mathador
Le store de Speechi Connect - Scratch
Le store de Speechi Connect - Lecteur PDF
Le store de Speechi Connect - Planification de tâches

1. From utility apps to educational applications ()

Beyond system applications*, the Speechi Connect store includes:

  • Utility and office applications such as Microsoft Office, Adobe Reader… 
  • Business applications for digital signage, task planning…
  • Educational applications covering all school subjects.

*System applications are those that come pre-installed on Speechi interactive displays, such as Finder, the browser, Note, Visualizer, Bytello Share, etc.

2. Carefully selected applications ()

To be included in the Speechi Connect store, an application must meet three key criteria:

  • Compatibility: The application must work smoothly on our displays, which is why each one is tested by our team beforehand.
  • Ad-free: The application must be free from advertisements
  • Mostly free: Most of the applications offered are free. However, we have chosen to include some subscription-based applications that are either popular or recognized for their high-quality content.

3. An educational store that grows over time ()

There are numerous digital tools developed by teachers for their peers, as well as applications created by companies under the guidance of national education authorities.

To ensure that all schools using Speechi interactive displays can discover and benefit from this vast selection of applications, we continuously expand the educational section of the store. Our selection process is primarily based on educational application directories curated by the teaching community.

How to add applications to your personal space? ()

To access your applications from any Speechi interactive display in your organization, everything happens within your Speechi Connect application, under the “Workspace” tab.

Once you have chosen your wallpaper, you can select the applications you want to appear in your workspace. Keep in mind that the displayed applications are those made available by your organization’s administrator. If you can’t find a specific app, you may need to negotiate with them 😉.

Once you have customized your workspace, simply log in to a Speechi interactive display to access your applications for classroom or meeting use.

The strengths of the Speechi Connect store, in brief ()

  • A selection of applications tested and verified on our interactive displays.
  • A curated list based on teachers’ recommendations.
  • A collection of educational applications that can be quickly deployed to the teaching staff
  • Ongoing updates to provide the latest innovations to the educational community.