How to use interactive whiteboards – how they work

While touch-screen technology is being embraced across many different sectors, getting started with an interactive whiteboard can seem like a daunting task at first.

Here at Speechi, we are looking to dispel this common myth. On the contrary, since Speechi interactive whiteboards run on Windows and Android operating systems, they are remarkably intuitive and easy to use.

use interactive whiteboard

Think of it as picking up and using a tablet for the first time – but on a larger scale – and the idea becomes a lot less intimidating.

However, while it might be easy to grasp the fundamentals, it is important to ensure that you and your teams are getting the very most of your new Speechi products. This is why we offer tailor-made training sessions.

Training to match your needs and setup

Since many of the interactive solutions we provide are designed for teaching, we believe it is important for us to teach customers how to use our products. We offer a range of online and in-person training modules, so you can get exactly the right training you need for your business or educational institution.

A comprehensive training catalogue for getting started with collaborative tools and interactive screens

Like with smartphones, computers, and any other devices we use frequently in our day-to-day lives, we all seek to simplify our lives – from actions and communication to purchasing and decision-making. To make sure we’re harnessing the full power of the technology we use, we must first understand it.

how to use white board

Our goal is to help you understand how to use your interactive whiteboard, and all the professional solutions that come with it – so we have designed a comprehensive training catalogue that covers all our collaborative tools – from the simplest introductions to the most complex options.

Interactive screens have already proven to be a success in offices, school classrooms, and many other settings because of their versatility, and the range of tools they offer. Our training modules cover both the SpeechiTouch and SuperGlass interactive screen ranges.

Wireless devices may seem completely separate from collaborative tools, but they are in integral part of most setups.

how to use interactive whiteboard

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is becoming increasingly popular as organisations adopt different types of technology and integrate them into one another. Setups like this facility collaboration, sharing, and engagement in meetings.

While there is a very wide range of collaborative tools available on the market, our training focuses mainly on video-conferencing, hybrid-working and collaborative working tools. This covers both hardware and software delivered separately or as a software suite with our interactive screens. Draft software is an example of these collaborative tools.

Interactive whiteboards are most popular in schools, and bridge the gap between traditional whiteboards and interactive screens.

They can be fixed or portable, and with eBeam software, turning your standard whiteboard into an interactive one is an easy task. Transform your lessons today while using all the equipment you know and love (traditional whiteboards and video-projectors).

Three training levels

Whether you’re just getting started with an interactive whiteboard or want to go further with one, we offer three training formats – and depending on what your preference is, the training can be remote or in-person.

Our modules consist of a presentation and demo of your solutions at different levels. These can be adapted to cover the areas you are looking to develop your knowledge of, and you can either arrange this in advance or during the session. Our training team will guide you in the right direction and answer any questions you may have.

  • Discovery (30 mins): This format includes a 30-minute guided introduction to your tools, and will give you everything you need to consider when getting started.
  • Advanced (1 hour 30 mins): Advanced training includes a guided introduction and demo of your interactive screens, showing how to perform all of the common actions and use your applications.
  • Expert (3 hours): This format includes a tailor-made in-depth presentation of your tools, with custom workshops that can be held in-person or remotely.