Digital interactive whiteboards for Education and Enterprise

Transform traditional classrooms, meeting rooms and board rooms into lively, engaging hubs for learning and collaboration.

Why use digital whiteboards for education and enterprise?

With digital technology becoming increasingly prevalent in our day-to-day lives, it is important now more than ever to embrace the very latest innovations, as they play a vital part in ensuring success for your business or educational institution.

interactive whiteboard for entreprises

Smart whiteboards have quickly become a staple in both classrooms and enterprises, and for good reason – below are just a few of the benefits that come with adopting this cutting-edge technology.

  • It increases engagement and collaboration. While educational institutions and enterprises look like completely different organisations at first glance, they do share quite a few (perhaps unexpected) things in common. Fundamentally, both schools and companies are run by people, for other people – so communication, exchange of ideas and involvement from everyone are crucial in both environments. The same way that students will not learn much if they are simply bombarded with information and facts to write down, employees will not work cohesively in a meeting room where they are flooded with facts, figures and graphs. People are most engaged and invested in a subject when they are asked to share their thoughts, discuss the topic with others, and work collaboratively towards a conclusion. Digital interactive whiteboards are designed precisely to meet this need.

    With real-time document and slide sharing, students and colleagues can add annotations, notes and suggestions over the course of the lesson or meeting. With multi-touch technology, students or colleagues can also move multiple items across the screen at once – so classes and meetings are transformed into a much more two-way exchange.
  • It makes information more universally accessible. A frequent concern in both classrooms and meeting rooms is trying to ensure that everyone can see and hear the presentation – no matter where they are in the room. From trying to remedy bad acoustics, adjust the room’s lighting, and check that everyone at the back of the room can read your presentation text, relying on traditional classroom and meeting-room equipment can quickly prove to be a nightmare. However, digital interactive whiteboards ensure that these issues are a thing of the past.

    With a range of different screen dimensions, visual and audio accessories to choose from, you can ensure that your setup is perfectly tailored to its teaching or working environment. Participants can also get involved remotely from their own devices – so if you are holding a meeting with a global team, attendees can contribute as if they were in the same meeting room.
    interactive whiteboards
  • It integrates seamlessly with teaching and business software. At Speechi, our goal is to make smart-whiteboard technology as versatile, accessible and easy-to-use as possible. We offer a range of software suites that enrich your interactive whiteboard with additional features – so you can save and share presentation slides, make them accessible to participants across the globe, and archive notes and annotations.

    Simply contact our expert teams for advice on the best digital whiteboard software for your needs, and they will recommend the right options for you. Speechi whiteboards also run on Windows and Android operating systems, so you can set up and use all the intuitive, popular tools you know and love – like Microsoft Teams, Skype, Zoom, and any online teaching software you prefer.

With so many options and factors to take into consideration, picking the right digital whiteboard for your needs can be a very daunting task – which is why Speechi teams are on-hand to help.

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All of our product prices and setups are available on quotation, so our agents will formulate the right system for you based on your intended use-case, your meeting room or classroom dimensions, your target audience, and your budget. Get in touch today, and transform your classroom or enterprise.